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Seaweed is a wonder plant that has many uses. Along with being used in delicious food and as a traditional medicine in some cultures, it makes a fantastic fertiliser for plants and lawns. At MOTO Turf, we highly recommend you try out our seaweed fertiliser, NZ!

Containing natural chemicals that support and fortify the structure of the soil, seaweed can bind soil particles together with alginates and promote the growth of plants with phytohormones. Seaweed contains some of the most valuable nutrients for plants, including potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, along with dozens more micronutrients.

Seaweed falls under the biostimulants category, which are natural materials that facilitate plant growth. Even before the introduction of commercial production of fertilisers to the market, farmers and gardeners around the world were using seaweed to encourage plant growth. This ages-old technique still holds up against many other fertilisers available today, particularly when the goodness of seaweed is concentrated in a packaged, easy-to-use form.

Liquid seaweed fertiliser is made by rinsing the salt from seaweed and allowing the plant matter to decompose until it is a slurry or a liquid. Accelerating the decomposition process ahead of packaging allows the seaweed’s goodness to seep into the grass sooner.

With our seaweed fertilisers at MOTO Turf, you can improve the growth, health, and immunity of your grass. Read on to learn more!

The benefits of using an authentic local seaweed fertiliser

Our seaweed biostimulant is fermented locally here in NZ and utilises the brown kelp seaweed. It also holds its own Bio Gro certification which means its legit organic! There are numerous advantages to using organic fertilisers to feed your grass. Our team of lawn care experts here at MOTO Turf have compiled this list to help you get an understanding of how you could benefit from using seaweed fertiliser in NZ.

Protects your grass against diseases

Seaweed extract can protect your grass against multiple fungal diseases. With better immunity and less time spent fighting diseases, your lawn will flourish. The seaweed actually defends the grass against many other factors that pose risks to its health, such as variations in temperature or lack of water. By boosting the lawn’s “immune system”, the seaweed protects it from extra damage from these risks.

Less pests will bother your grass

Many small critters can eat and damage an otherwise healthy lawn. The salt and iodine in seaweed are theorised to be why slugs and snails dislike the substance, so you won’t have to worry about them getting into your grass, minimising your need for pesticide services .

Fantastic fertiliser

As we mentioned before, seaweed contains a ton of nutrients that can strengthen your soil, including:

  • Phosphorus
  • Nitrogen
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iodine
  • Calcium

along with various amino acids, vitamins, macro and micronutrients, and more. Thanks to all of this goodness, you can enhance the growth of your lawn, improve its nutrient uptake, and optimise water retention in the soil using seaweed as a fertiliser.

As the seaweed continues to decompose when applied to your lawn, more nutrients will release into the soil for the plant to “eat”. Many of these nutrients are not available in ordinary fertilisers.

Hint: Try using a seaweed fertiliser NZ on your veggie garden as well! Tomatoes and potatoes especially thrive on seaweed.

An organic solution

Seaweed is an organic substance, which means its nutrients will break down naturally when applied to your garden as a fertiliser. Harvesting seaweed is a sustainable and environmentally-friendly method. A renewable resource that is easy to harvest, there are no associations between collecting seaweed and causing environmental damage.

Turning seaweed into liquid fertiliser uses a natural decomposition process without needing additional chemicals. So, even during the manufacturing process, no unnecessary harm is made to the planet.

Less leaching

Leaching is defined by the pushing of nutrients out of the root zone in soil, thereby moving them to a place that the plant can’t access. Water, rainfall, and irrigation are some of the most major causes of leaching. Seaweed contains microorganisms that emit sticky particles, containing the best nutrients in an area that is available to the grass.

Using your seaweed fertiliser

Here at MOTO Turf, we can help you work out what your lawn needs, including how and when you should apply your fertiliser. In general, it is best to apply fertiliser during the active growing season as the grass is usually dormant in the colder months.

The shelf life of seaweed fertiliser is shorter than synthetic fertilisers due to its organic composition. Keeping it at room temperature in a tightly sealed container out of direct sunlight will ensure that it lasts at least a year – more than enough time to give your lawn the nutrition it needs.
The benefits of seaweed fertiliser are seemingly endless. If you want a lush, green lawn that you can enjoy at your own home, these products are some of the best available to make that happen. Get in touch with our team at MOTO Turf today to find out more.

  • Lawn Care Specialists
  • Kikuya Grass Seed
  • Lawn Fertilisers
  • Liquid Fertilisers
  • Seaweed Fertilisers
  • Grass Seed
  • Organic Fertilisers
  • Sports Field Grass
  • School Field Grass
  • Grass Pesticides
  • Grass Insecticides
  • Golf Course Grass
  • Turf Management Services NZ
  • Turf Consultants NZ